Monte Marine Suppliers

Monte Marine Suppliers


Copper Nickel

Press Parts

Marine Press / Copper Nickel Pressfitting Systems
Marine Press / Copper Nickel pressfitting systems are specially designed for marine conditions, developed in a special copper/nickel alloy. This material has proven superior durability and performance in salty environments.
Marine Press / Copper Nickel Material:
Copper Nickel 90/10
The Marine Press / Copper Nickel system offers a comprehensive range of pipes, fittings, tools and installation materials. This system has received five different certifications for various applications such as heating, cooling, compressed air and fire protection, confirming its quality and reliability.
The range of tubes made of copper/nickel 90/10 CuNi10Fe1.6Mn alloy according to DIN 86019 consists of seamless calibrated tubes from Ø15 to 108 mm. The connections are equipped with "M-shaped" profile toroidal chambers optimized by 20 years of research and development experience. Inside each fitting, a green FKM O-Ring with a patented profile is inserted directly at the end of the production process.
These systems are designed to withstand the rigors of the marine industry, delivering long-lasting and reliable performance.

Marine Pres / Bakır Nikel nerede kullanılır?
Marine Pres / Bakır Nikel ürünler, kalite, güvenlik ve hızı hedefleyen farklı kurulum sorunlarını ve sorunlarını en iyi şekilde çözmek için geliştirilmiştir.

Marine Pres / Bakır Nikel alaşımı, tesiste malzemenin kendine özgü korozyon önleyici özellikleri gerektiğinde en iyi seçimdir. Marine Pres / Bakır Nikel'in kullanımı gemilerde ve açık deniz platformlarında, hidrokarbonların, yangından korunma sistemlerinin mevcudiyetinde ve genel olarak tuzlu ve aşındırıcı ortamlardaki her türlü uygulama için uygundur. Yeşil FKM O-Halkaları -20 ile +220°C arasında, maksimum basınç 16bar olarak kullanılabilir.

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